Category Archives: Paulaner

Review of Paulaner Hefe-Weizen

Hi guys.  Sorry I missed posting a review yesterday.  I went to a concert with the wife and well…. you know how that goes.  Anyway, today I’m going to be drinking the Paulaner Hefe-Weizen produced by the Pualaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. located in Munich, Germany.

I’ve had this brew many times, but it’s been a long time since I last sampled it.  Now that the weather is starting to warm I thought that it might be fitting to give it another go and see how it’s tasting.

From the website,, we find this description of the Hefe-Weizen. 

The Paulaner Hefe-Weissbier natural wheat beer is our brewery’s best-selling product. Specifically cultivated, top-fermented yeast give it its unmistakable character: sparklingly mild and fruity with a delicate yeast flavour. The eye is immediately drawn to its gleaming orange colour, its uniform cloudiness and the large head. The unfiltered brewing method allows it to retain its natural authenticity along with the many vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Let’s pour.

This brew comes in an 11.2 oz. bottle with an ABV of 5.5%.

The beer poured a cloudy orange and yellow color with some brighter yellow highlights around the edges.  A huge, bright white head was formed from a fairly easy pour.  It was billowy, soft and soapy.  The retention time was tremendous plus it left behind some very attractive lacing.  This brew looked very inviting and enticing to say the least.

The aroma consisted of some lemon and very light banana.  Spice hints of coriander and cloves.  It also smelled quite yeasty and bready.  Some graininess started to pull through after the brew warmed up a bit.  Not too bad with the bouquet I didn’t think.

The taste presented quite a bit more of the grain profile.  The lemon citrus and banana were duly noted and the coriander and clove were easily defined.  Again, very bready and yeasty, but it seemed to be a bit metallic and dull.  It wasn’t as “bright” or “lively” as I remembered it being in the past.  Not horrible, however not near as flavorful as some of the others of this style.

The mouthfeel was medium to medium/thin.  It was a touch watery, although very crisp, smooth, snappy, thirst quenching and refreshing.  It left an ok amount of flavor behind after the swallow too.

I’ll say that this beer would be very fitting for the Summer days that’s for sure.  It’s super easy to drink and could be enjoyed without too much contemplation.  Like I’ve mentioned before, the Hefeweizen style is not particularly my favorite, but I do enjoy one on occasion.  If you’ve never tried the Paulaner Hefe-Weizen, pick it up and see what you think of it.  Everyone should try it at least once because it’s such a “historic” beer from such an historic brewery.

Thanks for reading and commenting everyone.  I really appreciate it.

Until next time.  Cheers.

Score:  3.5 out of 5
Grade:  B-    


Posted by on March 10, 2012 in Country: Germany, Paulaner


Review of Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen

For today’s craft beer review I’m going to be sharing with you a Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen produced by Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG located in Munich, Germany.

I must first apologize.  I wasn’t able to find any type of commercial description on the Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen on the website,, however there was a description of the Oktoberfest Bier.  I would still urge you to check out the website because they have plenty of information regarding the other brews they produce. 

Well, let’s get it in a glass and see how it looks, smells and tastes.

This brew has an ABV of 5.8% and comes in an 11.2 oz. bottle.

It poured a very clear, dark golden/amber color with an off white head.  Some orange and yellow highlights abound around the edges.  The head was sized ok, but the retention time seemed to be lackluster.  The lacing appeared to be only average too.  The cap was smooth and creamy and a few bubbles were streaming to the top from the bottom of the glass.

The nose started with some toasted wheat bread hints combined with fresh biscuits and slight tones of grain.  A very nice dose of caramel sweetness brought forth a touch more complexity and appealed to my nostrils.  The aroma seemed to be blanketed by a fragrance of dried leaves.  Very herbal in my opinion.  This beer smells pretty good.  It’s balanced well and has all of the proper Oktoberfest style traits, although I didn’t find much by way of hops.

The taste revealed more of the sweet caramel combined with a crisp, clean toasted malt background.  Toasted breads combined with a delicate touch of alcohol.  Also, a smidgen of grain or dough was noticed along with a nice, “earthy” hop snap.  The bitterness was kept at a minimum, but this brew was still balanced very well with plenty of flavor.  It tastes nice and complete.

The mouthfeel was medium, dry, crisp and snappy.  It’s darn near thirst quenching and refreshing.  It left an ok amount of flavor behind and it was oh so smooth when swallowed.  Not bad.

I’ll tell ya.  If I were to ever get the chance to visit Oktoberfest in Munich, I think the Paulaner Oktoberfest would be the beer I would like to start off the event with.  This beer is super easy to drink, has all of the proper characteristics and totally sets the mood for the season.  For me, this style is not one of my favorites, however I think that this brew is one of the better Oktoberfests out there.  I really enjoyed it.  So, while the season is still here, pick up a bottle of the Paulaner Oktoberfest Marzen and tell me what you thought of it.  

Thanks for reading and commenting guys.  I really appreciate it. 


Score:  3.75 out of 5
Grade:  B

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Posted by on October 13, 2011 in Country: Germany, Paulaner


Review of Paulaner Premium Pils

For today’s craft beer review, I want to sample a brew from the Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG Brewery located in Munich, Germany.

Being that Spring has just ended and Summer is getting in full swing, I thought it would be fun to drink a light, refreshing Paulaner Premium Pils.

I have only had a few brews from Paulaner thus far and I know that they are a very old and well respected brewery, so I’m expecting a good, quality product here.

Only a small description was found from the website,

Light, crisp taste and a traditional hoppy Pils finsish.

Straight to the point.  I like that. 

The Paulaner Premium Pils has an ABV of 4.9% and came in a 11.2 oz. bottle.

The beer poured an extraordinary, crystal clear, straw yellow/light gold color.  A very large, soapy, fluffy, bright white head was formed from a medium pour.  Very nice retention with some ok lacing.

The smell had a very distinct grain and grassy note with a light, lemon sweetness.  A slight “bleached” white bread type of fragrance along with a wafer or cracker note seemed to underlay the citrus.  The lemon nearly vanished as the brew warmed, which let my nose concentrate primarily on the maltiness.  Smells clean with a slight hop profile.

The taste brought forth more of the prominent bread and grain flavors.  A crisp cracker and lemon sweetness combined with a nice hop presence helped complete a very well rounded and balanced flavor.  A taste of toasted croutons became evident, which added more to the malt backbone.  A reluctant bitterness wanted to join the party and would have been welcomed, however it just stayed pushed to the side for only moderate enjoyment.  The taste seemed rather clean, fresh and somewhat toasty.

The mouthfeel was medium, mostly dry, crisp, refreshing and thirst quenching with some snap.  Only a moderate amount of flavor was left on the palate.  Not bad though.  It just dissipated a little quicker than what I was hoping.

I thought this was a pretty good little Pils!!!!  I liked the more “malt forward” aspect of it.  It’s not too complex, very enjoyable and super easy to drink.  It’s very suitable for the warmer months for sure.  A straight forward, no-nonsense type of drink.  It’s worthy of a try if you are looking for a solid, well made beer to break from the norm of the typical Summer wheat’s.  Personally, I think I would rather have a good Pilsner than a Wheat or Wit on a warm day.  They seem a bit more suited to my tastes. 

What do you guys find to be the best Pilsner on the market today?

Thanks for reading and commenting!!!!


Score:  3.65 out of 5
Grade:  B

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Posted by on June 30, 2011 in Country: Germany, Paulaner