Category Archives: Sixpoint

Review of Sixpoint 3Beans

Hi guys.  For today’s craft beer review I’m going to be trying one of the most talked about beers to hit the market in the last few months.  It’s made by the Sixpoint Brewery located in Brooklyn, New York and it’s called 3Beans.

I think that Sixpoint makes some great beers and when the word got out that the 3Beans had made it to my neck of the woods I just knew I had to grab a 4-pack.

Let’s jump over to the website,, and read the commercial description.

Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans…and put them into one vessel.  The beans of bygone brewers, united with cacao and coffee, to create a trinity of roasted, rich, and savory flavors.

Sounds delightful.  Let’s pour.


This beer came in a 12 oz. can and it carried an ABV of 10.0%.

It poured a gorgeous, deep brown color.  It had a smaller, tightly compacted, khaki colored head that was mostly smooth, although only somewhat creamy.  The retention time was modest, which wasn’t all that surprising considering the relatively high ABV.  The lacing looked alright though.  A meager amount of alcohol lacing was left on the sides of the snifter when tilted as well.

The bouquet smelled great I thought.  Tones of coffee and chocolate as well as some type of a “creamy” milk tone.  Further complexities of sugary toffee and nutty peanut brittle permeated as the liquid warmed and opened up.  Maybe even some hints of toasted bread also.  I found no alcohol in the nose.  I was amazed at that to tell the truth.

The flavor started with that creamy, milky tone that was found in the scent.  Of course, that fell right in line with the milk chocolate savors.  Shots of bitter espresso came and went as I worked my way through the glass.  A touch of roasted hazelnut added some intricacy and additional relishes of toffee sweetness held true underneath.  As it warmed, I began to pick up on the alcohol and I also started to recognize a minute buttermilk type of tone. Hmm.  Could’ve just been me I guess.

The mouthfeel was medium to medium/full bodied.  Smooth, creamy, soft, chewy and dry.  The carbonation seemed to be of medium to medium/low strength.  Just a little bit of warmth was discovered and an excellent dose of the brew was left behind on the palate long after the sip.

Overall, I found this to be a great beer.  Pretty easy to drink too considering the 10.0% ABV.  Certainly, I think it would go great with the Fall and Winter seasons.  If you like “coffee” type beers… you’ll appreciate this one, however it wasn’t completely one-dimensional.  Those milk chocolate, nutty and toffee attributes really added a different element for sure.  I’m just not sure what happened with that buttermilk taste I got at the end.  Oh well, I’d still highly recommend that you guys give the Sixpoint 3Beans a try if you run across it.  I’m positive that you will enjoy it.  I know I did.  Don’t be afraid to leave a comment sometime if you’d like.  I really treasure the interaction.

Thanks for reading everyone.  I really appreciate it.

Until next time.  Cheers.

Score:  4.25 out of 5

Grade:  A-

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Posted by on April 21, 2013 in Country: USA, Sixpoint


Review of Sixpoint Resin

Hi guys.  For today’s craft beer review I’m going to be trying the Sixpoint Resin produced by the Sixpoint Brewery located in Brooklyn, New York.

This has been a beer that has eluded me for sometime, but I was finally able to grab a four pack last week and I’m so psyched about tasting it.

So, let’s not waste anymore time.  Let’s get to the website,, and see what we can find out about the Resin. 

RESIN.  Whatever flames upon the night.  Man’s own resinous heart has fed.  

A beer that celebrates the extraction of hop resin for a concentrated yet balanced brew.   

I’ve heard so much about this brew, therefore I’m really excited about giving it a go.

This brew comes in a 12 oz. can and it has an ABV of 9.1%.

It poured a hazy amber/orange color with a shimmer of yellow around the edges when held toward the light.  The crown was off white in color, excellently sized, fluffy, creamy and soft.  The retention time was optimal and the lacing looked admirable.  An enticing looking beverage to say the least.

The nose brought about a splendid array of pine resin and pineapple with a subtle distinction of grapefruit citrus.  A slight touch of bready malt began to show as the brew warmed, but the hops remained on full force for the duration.  Overall, it smelled very fresh, delightful and good.

The taste didn’t hold back on the citrus at all.  Plentiful amounts of fresh pineapple, grapefruit and other tropical fruits coalesced nicely with the pine resin.  Again, a slight touch of breadiness was found, however it was quickly overtaken by the bittering hops and citrus.  A teeny, tiny savor of alcohol and maybe just a bit of spice added an additional and welcomed characteristic.  This beer tasted very nice in my opinion.

The mouthfeel was medium bodied.  Very dry, lively, fresh, crisp, refreshing and darn near thirst quenching.  The carbonation was spot on.  A light hint of warmth was felt from the alcohol for the first few sips, but once the palate adjusted it wasn’t even noticed.  A solid amount of flavor was left behind after each sip as well.

Guys, I really, really like this beer.  Is it the best Imperial IPA that I’ve ever had?  No, probably not, but it’s definitely a brew that could hold it’s own and satisfy most any hophead that’s for sure.  The hops and bitterness are brilliant enough to keep one occupied for the duration.  It did me anyway.  The drinkability was outstanding as well.  I could set back several of these at one time with no problem at all I believe.  I think I could drink this at any point during the year as well.  I had better watch out though, because at 9.1% ABV, I could be in trouble.  With that being said, if you guys like hops and can obtain a can or two of the Sixpoint Resin, I would highly suggest giving it a try.  I’m 99.9% sure that you guys will enjoy it.

Thanks for reading and commenting everyone.  I really appreciate it.

Until next time.  Cheers.

Score:  4.25 out of 5
Grade:  A-   

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Posted by on June 2, 2012 in Country: USA, Sixpoint


Review of Sixpoint Apollo

Hello guys.  I hope you all are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend so far.  Well, for today’s craft beer review I thought I would sample a beer that would be perfect for the unofficial beginning of Summer.  It’s the Apollo brewed by the Sixpoint Brewery located in Brooklyn, New York.

As I may have mentioned before, we have just recently started to get Sixpoint in our area, so I hope to be enjoying their brews for years to come.

Let’s get to the website,, and see what we can find out about the Apollo.

The unmistakable flavor of a Bavarian Wheat, but with a clear golden brilliance and a Sixpoint twist. An entirely unique canned offering for the sun-worshipping ale lovers.

Let’s get Summer started shall we?

This brew comes in a 16 oz. can and it has an ABV of 5.2%.
It poured a slightly hazy, golden/orange color with some burnt yellow highlights showing through around the bottom of the glass.  The cap was bright white, fluffy, soapy and of decent size.  The retention time was not as good as I was hoping for, but the lacing seemed alright though.  
The nose brought about a nice dose of banana and lemon citrus.  Strong wheat characteristic intermingled with fresh grain.  A touch of clove and a light bubble gum essence completed a very well balanced and pleasing aroma.

The taste was more of the same.  Sturdy hints of banana along with satisfying wheat and bready facets.  The bubble gum intricacies were not as forthcoming in the taste in my opinion, however I felt that the clove was a touch stronger.  Either way, it was still a very tasty take on an American Wheat beer.

The mouthfeel was medium to medium/thin.  Quite dry, crisp, snappy, refreshing and thirst quenching.  The carbonation was spot on and a solid dose of flavor was left covering the palate after each sip.

Well, without a doubt, this brew would pair up with Summer very well.  It’s solid all around, fits the style exceptionally and even though I don’t particularly favor this type of beer, the Sixpoint Apollo would be one that I would have no problem drinking again or offering a friend that favors Wheat beers.  The drinkability was terrific and with a relatively low ABV, one could set back several of these during a warm, lazy afternoon around that BBQ grill.  So, with that being said, pick up the Sixpoint Apollo and give it a test drive.  I doubt that you will be disappointed once it’s in your glass and the Sun is on your shoulders.   

Thanks for reading and commenting guys.  I really appreciate all of the interaction.

Until next time.  Cheers.

Score:  3.85 out of 5
Grade:  B+   
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Posted by on May 26, 2012 in Country: USA, Sixpoint