Category Archives: St. Peter’s

Review of St. Peter’s India Pale Ale

It’s time for another craft beer review guys and for today’s tasting I’m going to be trying the St. Peter’s India Pale Ale brewed by St. Peter’s Brewery Co. Ltd. situated in St. Peter South Elmham, Bungay, Suffolk, United Kingdom.

I always enjoy trying the brews from St. Peter’s, so let’s get to the website,, and see what kind of info we can drum up about this beer.

This ale is traditionally highly hopped and robust so it could survive the long voyage to the Indian sub-continent.The result is a full bodied Pale Ale with a zesty character.  Featured at number 1 position in Independent newspaper ‘Top 50 Beers’ in November 2007.


This brew came in a 16.9 oz. bottle at 5.5% ABV.

It discharged a cloudy, dark orange, almost caramel type of color.  The smaller off white head was sort of creamy and smooth.  The retention time was ok and the lacing looked pretty decent too.

The aroma was nice and bready.  Scents of toasted rye bread, doughy biscuit and fresh pear intermingled with a few earthy tones.   Some floral notes and a light caramel malt hid underneath.  Overall, I thought the bouquet was balanced and harmonized very well.

The taste seemed more herbal with savors of earth and grasses.  The fruity pear was established again, but it was a bit more subdued.  Flavors of rye bread and toasted biscuits began to appear as it warmed, which helped with the complexity.  The bitterness was very mild, however suitable.

The mouthfeel was medium bodied.  Very smooth and mostly dry with an almost creamy texture.  The carbonation was on the medium to low side, yet a solid shot of flavor was left behind on the palate for a few moments after each sip.

Yeah, I thought this to be a nice, little, enjoyable beer.  It was sturdy all around and the ease of drinkability couldn’t be denied.  Obviously, with the “IPA” label one may expect a very hoppy and bitter beer, but that was not the case with this one.  It was quite a bit more malty with just a subtle bite.  I don’t think that I would turn it down if it were offered to me that’s for sure.  You guys should give the St. Peter’s India Pale Ale a try if you see it.  You may really like it.  Be sure to leave a comment and tell me of you experience if you do.

Thanks for reading and commenting everyone.  I really appreciate it.

Until next time.  Cheers.

Score:  3.7 out of 5

Grade:  B


Posted by on August 28, 2013 in Country: England, St. Peter's


Review of St. Peter’s Old Style Porter

Hello everyone.  For today’s craft beer review I’m going to be sampling the St. Peter’s Old Style Porter brewed by the St. Peter’s Brewery Co. Ltd. situated in St. Peter South Elmham, Bungay, Suffolk, United Kingdom.

Thus far in my craft beer journey I’ve had some mixed experiences with brews from St. Peter’s.  However, I really enjoy Porters, so I’m hoping for the best with this one.

The website,, revealed this bit of knowledge for us.

This fine beer is a blend of a mature old ale and a younger light beer – just as a true Porter should be. The marriage produces an extremely characterful brew which is dark in colour and complex in taste.

Ok.  How ’bout it?  Ready for a sip?


This brew came in a 16.9 oz. bottle and it had an ABV of 5.1%.

It poured a very, very deep ruby red to brown color.  Some brighter ruby hues shown through when held toward a light source.  The crown had a light tan tint to it.  It was quite creamy, smooth and sized well.  The retention time was ok and the lacing was solid enough.

The nose smelled very “creamy”.  Almost like a butter tone.  Hints of chocolate trailed while touches of toffee sweetness and toasted grains followed.  The balance and harmonization were nice, however it wasn’t extremely boisterous or potent.

The taste had a buttery, creamy relish also.  Hints of earth as well.  It had an aspect similar to an extremely robust herbal tea.  Interesting.  More of the toasted grains and minute toffee intermingled with a subtle chocolate to finish it off.

The mouthfeel was medium bodied.  Very smooth, slick and mostly dry.  The carbonation leaned toward the medium/low side, while a decent shot of flavor was left behind for me to enjoy between sips.

Well, this beer wasn’t bad.  I must admit though that I don’t have much experience with “old style Porters”, so I don’t really have a base to compare this beer to.  It’s definitely a bit different from the Americanized Porters that’s for sure.  It wasn’t near as roasted or as “hefty” as some of those.  Either way it was still a decent beer and very easy to drink.  I’d drink it again no doubt.  You guys should pick it up if you see it.  I’ll probably try to seek out a few more of this type so I can get a better grasp of the style.  Be sure to let me know what you think of the St. Peter’s Old Style Porter if you’ve tried it.  I’d be interested in hearing a second opinion.

Thanks for reading and commenting everyone.  I really appreciate it.

Until next time.  Cheers.

Score:  3.6 out of 5

Grade:  B


Review of St. Peter’s Sorgham Beer

Hello guys.  For today’s craft beer review I’m going to be trying the Sorgham Beer produced by the St. Peter’s Brewery, St. Peter’s Hall, St. Peter South Elmham, Bungay, Suffolk, United Kingdom.

I don’t really know what to expect from this brew.  It’s gluten free.  I’ve heard a few different things…. some positive and some not so much. is the brewers’ website, however I found this description on the back of the bottle. 

A clean, crisp gluten-free ale with a pilsner style lager finish and aromas of citrus and mandarin from American Amarillo hops.

Let’s drink it.

This brew has an ABV of 4.2%  and it comes in one of the coolest 16.9 oz. bottles on the planet.

It poured a super clear, light yellow to gold color with a very bright white head.  It was very fizzy and soapy and not very large.  The retention time was subpar and the lacing was well below average.

The aroma brought out sorghum and sugar cane notes.  Almost grain like really.  Some kind of fruitiness.  Something similar to pears.  It did reveal a floral hop component too.  I, honestly, could not detect anything else.  Overall, it was very mild, but well balanced.

The taste was mostly sweet.  Light hops and unrefined bitterness.  It was almost like I was chewing on a rind of fruit or something.  It was also slightly acidic and medicinal at times.  Again, some pear savors were detected.  The sorghum was noticed again as well.  Much like the aroma, it was a touch grainy.  Resembling adjuncts.  I was a bit confused by the flavor to tell the truth.

The mouthfeel was medium to thin bodied.  It was dry, crisp, snappy and smooth.  The carbonation seemed ok, however not much flavor was left behind after the swallow.

Well….  I was not overly impressed by this beer.  It’s unique for sure and for a gluten free beer I suppose it’s a decent substitute.  I finished it with no problem, but I didn’t find much that really impressed me.  The beer was difficult to pinpoint.  Some sips tasted really well and others were a bit tougher to swallow.  I guess I would recommend it for a try, but I would be sure to reiterate that it’s not going to be what you’d expect.  I doubt that I will try it again anytime soon, but that’s not saying that if someone wanted to give me one during a session that I would turn it down.  I just can’t say that it would be my first choice if I were left with options.

Have you guys ever tried the St. Peter’s Sorgham Beer?  What did you think of it?

Thanks for reading and commenting guys.  I really appreciate it.

Until next time.  Cheers.

Score:  2.75 out of 5
Grade:  C-