Category Archives: Reissdorf

Review of Reissdorf Kolsch

Today’s craft beer tasting is going to be of the Reissdorf Kolsch from Brauerei Heinrich Reissdorf located in Koln, Germany.
I haven’t reviewed a Kolsch in a while, so I’m eager to try this one.  It’s received great marks from experienced craft beer “folk” around the globe. 
From the website,, we find this description.
Reissdorf Kolsch is the beer speciality from Cologne with a tradition starting in 1894.  A Kolsch with a pleasant, full-bodied, and uniquely light and sweet taste in premium quality, that is brewed for the adepts who prefer something special. 
Ok…. let’s pour.
The Reissdorf Kolsch has an ABV of 4.8% and it comes packaged in an 11.2 oz. bottle. 
As I finished the pour, I noticed that the beer appeared a very clear, straw yellow to honey gold color.  It had a bright white, soapy textured crown that was of decent size, however the retention was below average and the lacing was just “ok” in my opinion. 
The aroma seemed to have a very “grassy” or “grainy” hop bill.  A touch of sweetness in the form of a light lemon and light green apples.  The fragrance smelled clean and fresh with notes of newly cut hay and toasted bread crumbs.  Not bad.  
The taste started with a crisp and clean profile.  Again, more of the light lemon and green apples along with a significant “grassy” hop bite.  It was slightly tart, but not sour.  A bready malt was tasted not long after the initial wash of flavor, which tamed quite a bit of the sweetness and sourness.  Nothing extraordinary, but quite satisfying.  
The mouthfeel was medium, very dry, smooth, crisp, refreshing and thirst quenching.  It’s very easy on the palate, but an adequate amount of flavor was left behind for me to enjoy.  
Well… we have a pretty good little Kolsch here.  Quite quaffable and sessionable.  I would have absolutely no problem drinking this again if it was offered.  Especially during the Spring and Summer.  This brew doesn’t exactly “floor” me as some of the reviews would lead me to believe, however I still thoroughly enjoyed sampling this fine beer.  I think it would be worth your while to pick up a bottle and try it if you see it.  I don’t know that I would go out of my way to grab it, but if it was in front of me….. I might grab a 6-pack to share with a friend.  
Is the Kolsch style a favorite of yours?  Leave a comment and tell me about it.
Thanks for reading and commenting everyone.  Until next time!!!!
Score:  3.6 out of 5
Grade:  B   
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Posted by on August 29, 2011 in Country: Germany, Reissdorf