Review of Lion Stout

08 Aug
Hey guys!!!  I hope everyone is doing well.  I need to apologize to you all for not posting any beer reviews over the last few days.  I had the misfortune of witnessing my computer completely blow up on Friday afternoon as I was about to post a review.
I’m hoping to get it back by the end of the week, so for the time being, I’m going to be using a “borrowed” computer to add a few posts. 
Please bare with me over the next little bit as I get this problem sorted out.
Thanks for your patience.
Now, back to the beer review. 
Today, I’m going to share with you my experience in sampling the Lion Stout from the Ceylon/Lion Brewery Limited located in Biyagama, Sri Lanka. 
I have only tried one other beer from this brewery (the pilsner), so I’m not sure if I’ve made up my mind on what I think of them as a whole yet.
The website,, is “under construction” at this time, but I was able to find a commercial description from
The 8.0 per cent abv, bottle conditioned beer is brewed from British, Czech and Danish malts with Styrian hops and an English yeast strain.  All the ingredients are transported along precarious roads to the brewery located 3,500 feet above sea level. 
How ’bout a sip?

This Stout had an ABV of 8.0% and I poured it from an 11.2 oz. can.

The beer appeared black with a faint ruby outline across the edges.  A well sized, medium tan colored head was nicely formed.  It was creamy and soft, however the retention was only average.  The lacing was good and the cap quickly settled to a fine film. 
The aroma started with a significant roasted coffee bean fragrance mixed with fruity tones of prunes and dark cherries.  A decent amount of dark chocolate swirled through along with a satisfactory earthy hint.  The most minute hint of smoke was detected.  Of which, completed a rather pleasant, suiting and well balanced aroma.  
The taste nearly matched the aroma to a “t.”  Well combined flavors of roasted coffee, dark fruit and dark, bittersweet chocolate.  A bit of bitterness was found, but not too much really.  The smoke’y’ flavor was even noticed as well.  At 8.0% ABV, I found no discernible distraction or taste of alcohol.  Again, well balanced and even.  
The mouthfeel was a very solid medium.  It was smooth, slick and dry.  It left an adequate amount of flavor on the palate and it provided a decent amount of warmth for the throat.
Overall, I thought this was a pretty good “little” Stout.  It had ample flavor, a very attractive look and a sufficient aroma.  It’s not the best Stout that I’ve ever sampled, but it was sturdy, solid, easy to drink and most enjoyable.  Worth a try for sure, if you are a Stout lover.  
Once again, I apologize for not posting over the last few days.  I hope you all understand my predicament.  Hopefully, I can get back on track and start posting daily again.  I may have a hiccup or two until I can get my computer back, but just so you know, I haven’t left or stopped reviewing. 
Thanks again.
Score:  4.0 out of 5
Grade:  B+ 
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Posted by on August 8, 2011 in Country: Sri Lanka, Lion


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